Understanding and traversing the call stack

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1. Introduction

This entry talks about the call stack from a very low-level perspective, so you should be familiar with basic assembly.

First, a brief description of the stack. The stack is a data structure used for storing various kinds of information required by the active procedures of a computer program. The stack is obviously a LIFO system, and it’s usually accessed by pushing or popping data (although this is not always the case, as we will see). The stack usually grows downwards, which is a key detail that might be easy to forget at first.

There are two very important registers when dealing with the stack. The rsp register (stack pointer) always points to the top of the stack, and the rbp register (base pointer) is used to delimit stack frames (more on this below). The rip register will be mentioned as well, since it points to the address of the next instruction to the one being executed.

When a value is pushed onto the stack the rsp register is decremented, and then the value is moved onto the top of the stack. Therefore, the rsp register always points to the last pushed item. Remember that the stack (usually) grows downwards.

When a value is popped from the stack, the value on top of the stack is moved into the specified register and the rsp register is incremented.

2. Main uses of the stack

The stack is used mainly for 3 purposes:

  1. Storing some or all of the function arguments.
  2. Storing the return address when calling a function.
  3. Storing data local to the function (preserved registers, local variables, etc.).

When function foo wants to call function bar, it will push some of the arguments on the stack (this depends on the architecture). Then, it will push the address of the next instruction (rip register) onto the stack, so bar knows where to return once it’s done. Then, after foo calls bar, bar might push some of the registers that need to be preserved by the callee, like rbp or r12, and it will allocate some space for storing its data, if needed. This will be explained in more detail below, with an example.

These kind of details are specified in the Application Binary Interface (ABI) of each architecture. For example, if we look in the System V AMD64 ABI (Wikipedia, PDF), we can find the following about the usage of registers and the stack for passing arguments.

System V AMD64 ABI - 3.2.3 Parameter Passing

Once arguments are classified, the registers get assigned (in left-to-right order) for passing as follows:

  1. If the class is MEMORY, pass the argument on the stack.
  2. If the class is INTEGER, the next available register of the sequence rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8 and r9 is used.
  3. […]

If there are no registers available for any eightbyte of an argument, the whole argument is passed on the stack.

As you can see, unlike in the i386 ABI (PDF, pg. 36-37), not all parameters are passed through the stack.

About preserving the registers, we can also read the following.

System V AMD64 ABI - 3.2.1 Registers and the Stack Frame

If a calling function wants to preserve such a register value across a function call, it must save the value in its local stack frame.

2.1. Implicit push and pop instructions

About the return address, it’s important to note that it is usually pushed implicitly by the call instruction. The rough translation would be the following.

; The following:
call    0xDEADBEEF

; Internally does:
push    rip
jmp     0xDEADBEEF

Note that the example above is not strictly correct. First, we can’t write or read from rip directly, and second, rip would point to the jmp instruction itself, which is not accurate. The correct form would be:

push    next
jmp     0xDEADBEEF

next: nop  ; Continue execution...

Just like the return address is pushed implicitly, it’s also popped implicitly by the ret instruction.

; The following

; Internally does (without actually writing to RAX)
pop     rax
jmp     rax

; Or simply (although we can't directly write to RIP)
pop     rip

3. Stack frames

The term stack frame has been mentioned, so let me explain exactly what it is. Stack frames are used to divide the stack depending on the subroutine that owns/needs the information. It’s used to indicate, for example, that the region that foo reserved on the stack belongs to foo, and not bar (since it’s on foo’s stack frame).

You also have to understand that the specifics about who owns X kind of information vary depending on the convention. For example, the two diagrams in this section use different conventions when it comes to who “owns” the parameters when calling a function. This is not important for understanding the concept of the stack frame itself.

The Wikipedia page has a very good diagram for visualizing how a stack frame is typically organized.


The diagram shows the call stack layout for an upward-growing stack after the DrawSquare subroutine (shown in blue) called DrawLine (shown in green), which is the currently executing routine.

When DrawSquare wants to call DrawLine, it pushes its arguments onto the stack. In this convention, those belong to the stack frame of DrawLine. Then, as I mentioned, the call instruction will push the return address onto the stack (i.e. rip, which would contain the next instruction of DrawSquare). Finally, DrawLine is free to push or allocate space on the stack for his local variables.

Usually, one of the first things a function does is preserve the rbp register (containing the base pointer of the caller) by pushing it onto the stack itself. Then, the current value of rsp is saved there throughout the execution of our procedure. That’s why the following pattern is a common way of identifying functions from assembly.

    push    rbp
    mov     rbp, rsp

    ; ...

    mov     rsp, rbp
    pop     rbp

3.1. Specifics of the AMD64 ABI

In the last example, the stack grew upwards, which is not normally the case. The next one (from the ABI) shows a more realistic (but perhaps more confusing) version, where the top of the stack is in a lower address than the bottom.


As I mentioned before, the specifics depend on the convention. Unlike in the previous example, in the AMD64 ABI the arguments belong to the stack frame of the caller, not the callee.

3.2. Detailed DrawLine example

As an example, let’s write some of the assembly that DrawLine could be using. To avoid cluttering the code with comments, I moved the explanation of each part to the legend below.

In the following code, DrawLine pushes the base pointer (rbp) for preserving the caller’s stack frame. Then, it saves the value of rsp in rbp, creating its own stack frame. This allows us to freely change rsp, while being able to access function arguments and local variables with offsets relative to rbp. This might seem a bit confusing at first, but it’s a key detail since it essentially creates a linked list, where you can follow rbp’s to traverse stack frames.

                                ; (1)
    push    rbp                 ; (2)
    mov     rbp, rsp            ; (3)

    push    rbx                 ; (4)
    push    r12

    sub     rsp, 0x20           ; (5)

    ; The real body of the procedure starts... (6)

    mov     r12, [rbp + 0x16]   ; (7)
    mov     [rbp - 0x8], r12    ; (8)

    ; The body of the procedure ends...

    add     rsp, 0x20           ; (9)

    pop     r12                 ; (10)
    pop     rbx

    mov     rsp, rbp            ; (11)
    pop     rbp                 ; (12)
    ret                         ; (13)
  1. Right when we got called, RSP points to the return address in DrawSquare, and the DrawLine arguments are right below it, from [RSP+0x8] to [RSP+(n*0x8)]. Note that they are lower on the stack, but higher in memory.
  2. The first thing we usually do is push the old RBP value that DrawSquare was using. After pushing it, RSP will point to the old RBP, hence the “linked list” of RBP’s. The return address will be at [RSP+8] after the push.
  3. The current value of RSP is saved into RBP, creating our stack frame. This way, we can freely change RSP, and access parameters with stack offsets relative to RBP.
  4. Now DrawLine needs to push some registers that must be preserved by the callee (according to the ABI). After this, the “real” body of the procedure will be able to safely use these registers without overwriting the caller’s values.
  5. The procedure subtracts from RSP to allocate 0x20 bytes some space for local variables.
  6. From the procedure body, it might access the function arguments by adding to RBP, or it might need to store values in the reserved stack space, and access them by subtracting to RBP (e.g. for local variables).
  7. Here, it adds 0x16 to the base pointer for “jumping” over both the pushed RBP and the return address, accessing some argument, and saving it into r12.
  8. Then, it saves that value into some of the stack space that we reserved when subtracting from RSP.
  9. When we are done, we add back the space previously subtracted from RSP.
  10. We pop back the registers that had to be preserved by the callee.
  11. We restore the base pointer into RSP.
  12. We pop the caller’s RBP register.
  13. Finally, RSP points to the return address from DrawSquare, which was pushed by the call instruction. As I said, the ret instruction will pop it and jump to it.

4. Traversing the call stack

Let’s look at some example C code.

#include <stdio.h>

void DrawPoint(int x, int y) {
    printf("Drawing point: %d, %d\n", x, y);

void DrawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) {
    for (int y = y0; y <= y1; y++)
        for (int x = x0; x <= x1; x++)
            DrawPoint(x, y);

void DrawSquare(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    int x1 = x + w;
    int y1 = y + h;

    DrawLine(x, y, x1, y);   /* Up */
    DrawLine(x, y, x, y1);   /* Left */
    DrawLine(x, y1, x1, y1); /* Down */
    DrawLine(x1, y, x1, y1); /* Right */

The call stack for DrawPoint() would be the following:

(???)  ->  DrawSquare()  ->  DrawLine()  ->  DrawPoint()

4.1. The AsmPrintCallStack function

Since we now have a deep understanding of the stack, let’s write some assembly code that prints the backtrace of where we were called.

default rel
extern printf

section .data
    fmt: db "%d: %p", 0xA, 0x0

section .text

; void AsmPrintCallStack(int depth);
global AsmPrintCallStack
    push    rbp
    mov     rbp, rsp
    push    r12
    push    r13

    ; Initialize counter to the first "depth" argument
    mov     r13, rdi

    ; Get address of old RBP, skip ours
    mov     r12, [rbp]

    ; If RBP is NULL, we are done.
    test    r13, r13
    jz      .done

    ; Otherwise, we can print it.
    ; We add 8 to the current RBP to get the current return address.
    mov     rdx, [r12 + 0x8]
    mov     rsi, r13
    lea     rdi, [rel fmt]
    call    printf wrt ..plt

    ; And jump to the next one
    dec     r13
    mov     r12, [r12]
    jmp     .loop

    pop     r13
    pop     r12
    mov     rsp, rbp
    pop     rbp

Let me briefly explain what’s going on. First, we use default rel to enable RIP-relative addressing (See also section 3.3 of the NASM manual). More of this is explained in the next section. We also declare printf as an extern symbol.

On the .data section, we declare our format string, that will be used later when calling printf.

On the .text section, the function preserves the previous stack frame as we have seen before. It also preserves r12 and r13, which will be used for storing the current base pointer and the current counter, respectively.

Then, it initializes the counter (r13) to the first argument of the function (rdi), and the r12 register to the base pointer of the caller, by dereferencing our own base pointer. If we moved rbp to r12, instead of [rbp], we would also print the address of our caller. If you are confused about this, check the diagram in Specifics of the AMD64 ABI.

Then, the loop starts. We check if the iterator is zero, and if it is, we return from the function. Otherwise, we will calculate the return address of the current stack frame by adding 8 to the base pointer. We will then call printf with the fmt string as its first argument, the iterator as the second one and the return address we just calculated as its third argument.

After calling printf, we will decrease the iterator and dereference the current base pointer, jumping to the previous stack frame. Finally, we jump back to the .loop label.

The rough C translation of the loop would be the following:

while (i != 0) {
    void* ret_addr = *(cur_base_ptr + 0x8);
    printf("%d: %p\n", i, ret_addr);

    cur_base_ptr = *cur_base_ptr;

4.2. Note about Position Independent Executables

You might be wondering why we had to use wrt ..plt when calling printf. It’s for the same reason why we have to use lea rdi, [rel fmt] instead of mov rdi, fmt. Our GCC has -fPIE (Position Independent Executable) enabled by default. That means that our addresses and calls have to be relative. We have two solutions for this:

  1. Disable PIE by passing -no-pie to GCC when linking.
  2. Adapt our assembly to link with PIE.

I chose to use the second option, so I can explain how it works. If we just used call print and mov rdi, fmt, and linked with PIE enabled, we would get the following warnings:

/usr/bin/ld: obj/callstack.asm.o: warning: relocation in read-only section `.text'
/usr/bin/ld: obj/callstack.asm.o: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5' can not be used when making a PIE object; recompile with -fPIE
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: bad value

Before trying to understand this terrible error message, you need to understand that the linker asumes all of our object files have been compiled, and not assembled by hand. Therefore, when it says “recompile with -fPIE”, it’s not necessarily referring to our C object files, but also our hand-written assembly ones. You should read the error as “Whoever made this ASM (human or compiler), make it PIE compatible”.

So, how do we make our assembly PIE compatible? The most important part is that we need to call printf through the Procedure Linkage Table (PLT), instead of using a direct call. That’s exactly what wrt ..plt is doing.

That would fix the second linker error, but what about the first warning? That happens because we are using the mov instruction with the absolute address of fmt. This creates a 64-bit relocation, since this absolute address isn’t known until run time, and the dynamic linker has to fill it out. Have a look at the following assembly.

; Assemble with:
;   nasm -f elf64 -o file.o file.asm
; Look at the generated bytes with a RE tool like rizin.

section .bss
addr: resb 1

section .text
    mov rax, addr
    lea rax, [addr]
    lea rax, [rel addr]

The addr label is being accessed in 3 ways. The first two are using the absolute address, and will produce a relocation. The third one, calculates the address by adding (or subtracting) an offset from the instruction pointer (rip). If you assemble it, and look at the instruction bytes, you can tell the difference (note the endianness).

48 b8 00 02 00 08 00 00 00 00  movabs rax, 0x8000200
48 8d 04 25 00 02 00 08        lea    rax, ds:0x8000200
48 8d 05 e7 ff ff ff           lea    rax, [rip + 0xffffffffffffffe7] ; [rip - 0x19]

The linker doesn’t like runtime relocations in .text, hence the “relocation in read-only section .text” warning. Since printf needs an absolute address, we can convert the RIP-relative address to an absolute one with lea rdi, [rel fmt]. The rel stands for relative, and although we don’t need it since we specified default rel at the top, I chose to emphasize it anyway.


  1. StackOverflow 1
  2. StackOverflow 2 (Check comments)
  3. Reddit answer (Skeeto saves the day once more)

4.3. Calling it from DrawPoint

Now that we have our AsmPrintCallStack function, we can modify our C code a bit to call it from DrawPoint.

extern void AsmPrintCallStack(int depth);

void DrawPoint(int x, int y) {
    printf("Drawing point: %d, %d\n", x, y);


We will print the last 3 return addresses, one for DrawLine, one for DrawSquare and the last one for main.

4.4. Our main function

Our main function simply calls DrawSquare().

We will print the addresses of each function from main, so we can verify that the addresses from AsmPrintCallStack are correct.

int main(void) {
    printf("(main) Address of DrawPoint:  %p\n", DrawPoint);
    printf("(main) Address of DrawLine:   %p\n", DrawLine);
    printf("(main) Address of DrawSquare: %p\n", DrawSquare);
    printf("(main) Address of main:       %p\n", main);

    /* DrawPoint only gets called once */
    DrawSquare(5, 5, 0, 0);

    return 0;

4.5. Makefile

The -fPIE parameter should not be necessary, but I still added it to emphasize what I mentioned in Note about Position Independent Executables.

CFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra

ASMFLAGS=-f elf64

OBJS=obj/main.c.o obj/callstack.asm.o

all: $(BIN)

    rm -f $(BIN) $(OBJS)

$(BIN): $(OBJS)
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)

obj/main.c.o: main.c
    @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<

obj/callstack.asm.o: callstack.asm
    @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
    $(ASM) $(ASMFLAGS) -o $@ $<

4.6. Checking the output

Then, we can just run make and check the output:

(main) Address of DrawPoint:  0x5a1e3d78e139
(main) Address of DrawLine:   0x5a1e3d78e170
(main) Address of DrawSquare: 0x5a1e3d78e1bf
(main) Address of main:       0x5a1e3d78e238
Drawing point: 5, 5
3: 0x5a1e3d78e1a3
2: 0x5a1e3d78e1fc
1: 0x5a1e3d78e2cd
Drawing point: 5, 5
3: 0x5a1e3d78e1a3
2: 0x5a1e3d78e20f
1: 0x5a1e3d78e2cd
Drawing point: 5, 5
3: 0x5a1e3d78e1a3
2: 0x5a1e3d78e222
1: 0x5a1e3d78e2cd
Drawing point: 5, 5
3: 0x5a1e3d78e1a3
2: 0x5a1e3d78e235
1: 0x5a1e3d78e2cd

That looks about right. The only address that’s changing is the second one, since each call to DrawLine from DrawSquare increments the RIP register by some bytes.

If we really want to make sure it’s accurate, let’s disassemble the binary and look at the offsets inside the functions. I will be using rizin, but any similar tool will do.

According to our output, the next instruction to the call to DrawPoint should be at offset +0x33 (0x5a1e3d78e1a3-0x5a1e3d78e170) inside DrawLine. Let’s have a look.


Indeed, the call to DrawPoint is at +0x2e, and the next instruction is at +0x33. We can see that this is also the case with DrawSquare and main.
