Challenge 8

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1. Original assembly

Original challenge link: Click me.

   0:       push   r12
   2:       test   rsi, rsi
   5:       mov    r12, rdi
   8:       push   rbp
   9:       mov    rbp, rdx
   c:       push   rbx
   d:       mov    rbx, rsi
  10:       je     32
  12:       nop    WORD [rax + rax * 1 + 0x0]
  18:       mov    rsi, QWORD [rbx]
  1b:       mov    rdi, rbp
  1e:       call   r12
  21:       test   eax, eax
  23:       je     56
  25:       js     40
  27:       mov    rbx, QWORD [rbx + 0x18]
  2b:       test   rbx, rbx
  2e:       xchg   ax, ax
  30:       jne    18
  32:       pop    rbx
  33:       pop    rbp
  34:       xor    eax, eax
  36:       pop    r12
  38:       ret
  39:       nop    DWORD [rax + 0x0]
  40:       mov    rbx, QWORD [rbx + 0x10]
  44:       test   rbx, rbx
  47:       je     32
  49:       mov    rsi, QWORD [rbx]
  4c:       mov    rdi, rbp
  4f:       call   r12
  52:       test   eax, eax
  54:       jne    25
  56:       mov    rax, rbx
  59:       pop    rbx
  5a:       pop    rbp
  5b:       pop    r12
  5d:       ret

After removing the unused labels, and renaming the used ones.

    push   r12
    test   rsi, rsi
    mov    r12, rdi
    push   rbp
    mov    rbp, rdx
    push   rbx
    mov    rbx, rsi
    je     .return_zero
    mov    rsi, QWORD [rbx]
    mov    rdi, rbp
    call   r12
    test   eax, eax
    je     .return_rbx
    js     .unk2
    mov    rbx, QWORD [rbx + 0x18]
    test   rbx, rbx
    xchg   ax, ax  ; (nop)
    jne    .unk0
    pop    rbx
    pop    rbp
    xor    eax, eax
    pop    r12
    mov    rbx, QWORD [rbx + 0x10]
    test   rbx, rbx
    je     .return_zero
    mov    rsi, QWORD [rbx]
    mov    rdi, rbp
    call   r12
    test   eax, eax
    jne    .unk1
    mov    rax, rbx
    pop    rbx
    pop    rbp
    pop    r12

2. Assembly notes

These are some notes I considered important when translating the assembly into C code.

2.1. Second parameter: Array or struct

The second parameter of the function is loaded into rbx, and is dereferenced throughout the function. By that we can tell that it’s a pointer, and all the used elements are 64 bits long (QWORD).

At first, I thought this was an array of pointers, since the value in [rbx + 0x10] is dereferenced again into rbx, so I thought the function traversed an array of unknown depth. However, there is no iteration, no pointer being increased, and the function only works with rbx[0], rbx[2] and rbx[3].

I was talking about this with a friend, and he told me that this might be related to linked lists, and that’s when I realized that instead of an array, it might be accessing a structure, and accessing the pointers at [rbx + 0x10] and [rbx + 0x18] to jump to the previous and next elements in the linked list.

2.2. Getting the return value of the r12 function

The first argument of our function is moved from rdi to r12. At some point, we call the function at the address in r12, so we know the first parameter is a pointer to some callback function. We can tell the type of the parameters because we pass rbp and rbx, which at this point hold the 2nd and 3rd parameters of our function.

For the return value, we can see that it’s signed, and likely 32-bits because we not only test eax, but we also check if the sign flag (SF) is set with a js jump (jump if less than zero1).

For the C translation, I will create a callback_t typedef so the parameter type is more readable.

3. C translation

The first version uses register names, treats rbx as an array, and is a bit more messy when it comes to branching.

Note how the assembly calls the r12 function in unk2, and then checks if it’s not zero directly before jumping to unk1 with the jne instruction (which is equivalent to jnz). This is the same check that is made at the bottom of unk0, and overlooking this jne detail was making me think that it was unconditionally jumping to unk1 instead of unk0 specifically because it wanted to skip this zero check.

typedef int (*callback_t)(uint64_t, uint64_t*);

uint64_t* func(callback_t r12, uint64_t* rbx, uint64_t rbp) {
    if (rbx == NULL)
        return 0;

    for (;;) {
        /* unk0 */
        int eax = r12(rbp, rbx[0]);
        if (eax == 0)
            return rbx;

        /* unk1 */
        if (eax >= 0) {
            rbx = rbx[3];
            if (rbx == NULL)
                return 0;

            continue; /* goto unk0 */
        } else {
            /* unk2 */
            rbx = rbx[2];
            if (rbx == NULL)
                return 0;

            continue; /* goto unk0 */

    return rbx;

After analyzing what it does, renaming the parameters, and using a dummy structure, I simplified it into this other version. I also returned NULL instead of zero, since it normally returns rbx which is a pointer to a node.

typedef struct MyNode {
    uint64_t data0;
    uint64_t data1;
    struct MyNode* prev;
    struct MyNode* next;
} MyNode;

typedef int (*callback_t)(uint64_t, uint64_t);

MyNode* func(callback_t callback, MyNode* node, uint64_t data) {
    if (node == NULL)
        return NULL;

    for (;;) {
        /* unk0 */
        int result = callback(data, node->data0);
        if (result == 0)
            return node;

        if (result >= 0) {
            /* unk1 */
            node = node->next;
        } else {
            /* unk2 */
            node = node->prev;

        if (node == NULL)
            return 0;

    /* Not reached */
    return node;

As you can see, I also moved the duplicated NULL check outside of the if statement.

4. Function purpose

As we can see by the final C code, the function traverses a doubly linked list starting at node, moving left or right depending on the return value of a callback function when checking against the provided data.

The prev and next members of MyNode don’t have to be in that order, but they are traversed like they appear in the function. Note how the first member of node is passed to callback, not the node itself.

However, one thing is still unclear to me. If we read the description of the challenge, we can see the following.

This is one of the busiest algorithms under the hood, though, usually hidden from programmers. It implements one of the most popular algorithms in computer science. It features recursion and a callback function.

If we look at our code again, there is no recursion. I asked the author of the challenges, Dennis Yurichev, and he told me that his original function did use recursion, and that it was a slightly different algorithm.

This function is for searching a node in a binary tree. I have never used it personally, but I knew about it. The reason he says “usually hidden from programmers” is because this algorithm is used in many map/dictionary implementations for different languages.

In his code, the structure had an extra parent member which was not used. The callback function is supposed to indicate if we should continue left or right in the tree, and in his code, it’s called recursively, rather than iteratively. I also renamed some symbols to match my last example.

typedef struct MyNode {
    void* key;
    void* value;
    struct MyNode* left;
    struct MyNode* right;
} MyNode;

typedef int (*cmp_func_t)(void* key1, void* key2);

MyNode* func(cmp_func_t cmp_func, MyNode* node, void* key) {
    if (node == NULL)
        return NULL;

    int cmp_result = cmp_func(key, node->key);
    if (cmp_result == 0) {
        return node; /* Key found */
    } else if (cmp_result < 0) {
        if (node->left != NULL)
            return func(cmp_func, node->left, key);
            return NULL; /* Leftmost node */
    } else {
        if (node->right != NULL)
            return func(cmp_func, node->right, key);
            return NULL; /* Rightmost node */



See Intel SDM, Vol. 1, Chapter Status Flags, Vol. 1, Chapter 5.1.7 Control Transfer Instructions and Vol.2, Jcc (pp. 3-537)