Challenge 6

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1. Original assembly

Original challenge link: Click me.

This challenge had two versions for x86_64, an optimized one and a non-optimizing one. Let’s have a look at the non-optimizing one, size it’s usually easier to reverse.

   0:             push   rbp
   1:             mov    rbp,rsp
   4:             mov    QWORD [rbp - 0x8], rdi
   8:             mov    QWORD [rbp - 0x10], rsi
   c:             mov    rax, QWORD [rbp - 0x8]
  10:             movzx  eax, BYTE [rax]
  13:             movsx  dx, al
  17:             mov    rax, QWORD [rbp - 0x10]
  1b:             mov    WORD [rax], dx
  1e:             mov    rax, QWORD [rbp - 0x10]
  22:             movzx  eax, WORD [rax]
  25:             test   ax, ax
  28:             jne    2c
  2a:             jmp    38
  2c:             add    QWORD [rbp - 0x8], 1
  31:             add    QWORD [rbp - 0x10], 2
  36:             jmp    c
  38:             pop    rbp
  39:             ret

After removing the unused labels, and renaming the used ones.

    push   rbp
    mov    rbp,rsp
    mov    QWORD [rbp - 0x8], rdi
    mov    QWORD [rbp - 0x10], rsi
    mov    rax, QWORD [rbp - 0x8]
    movzx  eax, BYTE [rax]
    movsx  dx, al
    mov    rax, QWORD [rbp - 0x10]
    mov    WORD [rax], dx
    mov    rax, QWORD [rbp - 0x10]
    movzx  eax, WORD [rax]
    test   ax, ax
    jne    .continue
    jmp    .done
    add    QWORD [rbp - 0x8], 1
    add    QWORD [rbp - 0x10], 2
    jmp    .loop
    pop    rbp

2. Assembly notes

Important notes for understanding the assembly.

2.1. Local variables

We can see that the function uses local variables because, after preserving the stack frame, we store the values of rdi and rsi (the two function arguments) into [rbp - N]. Keep in mind that the stack grows downwards, so the stack layout (relative to RBP) would be the following:

|     | -0x10 | -0x8 |   RBP   |  +0x8   |     +0x10      |     |
| ... | RSI   | RDI  | Old RSP | Old RBP | Return address | ... |

2.2. Argument types

Just like in challenge 5, we can conclude that the type of the first argument (rdi) is a char* because of the BYTE [...] operations.

We can also asume that the second argument, rsi is a int16_t pointer because after moving it to [rbp - 0x10], and then to rax, it’s accessing its contents with WORD [...].

3. C translation

Following the strategy used in challenge 5, I will start by translating the assembly into simple C pseudo-code, and trying to improve the code and symbol names from there.

int func(char* rdi, int16_t* rsi) {
    char* var8     = rdi;
    int16_t* var10 = rsi;

    for (;;) {
        char* rax0 = var8;
        int16_t dx = *rax0;

        int16_t* rax1 = var10;
        *rax          = dx;

        int16_t* rax2 = var10;
        int16_t ax    = *rax;

        if (ax == 0)

        var10++; /* Incrementing 2 bytes, 1 word */

After changing the symbol names, and optimizing.

int func(char* a, int16_t* b) {
    for (;;) {
        /* Extend byte to word */
        *b = (int16_t)*a;

        if (*b == 0)


As we can see, it’s a function for copying the zero-terminated bytes in a char* to a int16_t array.

We can’t put the condition directly in the loop, because according to the assembly, it always transfers the byte, before checking if it’s zero.

4. Optimized version

Now, let’s compare it to the optimized version provided in the website. I changed the label names again.

    jmp    .loop
    nop    WORD [rax + rax * 1 + 0x0]
    add    rdi, 1
    add    rsi, 2
    movsx  ax, BYTE [rdi]
    test   ax , ax
    mov    WORD [rsi], ax
    jne    .continue
    repz   ret
    xchg   ax,ax

Note how it doesn’t use any local variables in the stack now, and uses the rdi and rsi registers directly.

Some important notes about nop and xchg:

  1. The nop instruction performs no operation.
  2. You can also use it with operands, making it a multi-byte NOP instruction, which doesn’t alter it’s behavior, but takes up more bytes.
  3. The xchg instruction exchanges values.
  4. The nop instruction is an alias mnemonic for the xchg (e)ax, (e)ax instruction. Exchanging something with itself, does nothing.

The first thing the function does is jump to .loop, which moves the value at *rdi to ax, the lower 16 bits of rax. Then, it checks if ax is zero with the test instruction, but before branching, it copies the value into *rsi. Then it can branch to .continue depending on if ax was zero or not.

Once ax is zero, it will not jump and continue with the next instruction, which is repz ret.

REP/REPE/REPZ/REPNE/REPNZ — Repeat String Operation Prefix

Repeats a string instruction the number of times specified in the count register or until the indicated condition of the ZF flag is no longer met.

So we are… returning while the counter register (rcx) is zero? Of course this didn’t make sense to me, so I searched around and came across, which definitely looked interesting. From there, we can read:

A two-byte ret has a rep instruction inserted before the ret, which produces the functional equivalent of the single-byte near-return ret instruction.

This form is preferred to the simple ret either when it is the target of any kind of branch, conditional (jne/je/...) or unconditional (jmp/call/...), or when it directly follows a conditional branch.

Basically, when the next instruction after a branch is a ret, whether the branch was taken or not, it should have a rep prefix.

Why? Because “The processor is unable to apply a branch prediction to the single-byte near-return form (opcode 0xC3) of the ret instruction.” Thus, “Use of a two-byte near-return can improve performance”.

The article has more information about branch prediction, so I would recommend checking it out.