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Applying color transparencies

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1. The problem

Assume we have some RGB colors along with their transparencies, and we want to merge them together into the final RGB color that would be displayed on a screen.

There are a few ways of accomplishing this depending on the input type and the kind of transparency we want to apply. I will show two kinds of transparencies that I chose to call absolute and relative.

1.1. Calculating absolute transparencies

By absolute I mean that each transparency represents the direct proportion of each color in the result, and therefore the sum of all the transparencies is 1.

Let’s start with a simple example. We are given two RGB colors, and their absolute transparencies. To calculate the final RGB color, we can simply multiply each component (R, G and B) by the transparency, and add them together.

\[ f(C_1, t_1, C_2, t_2) = C_1 \times t_1 + C_2 \times t_2 \]

Where \(C_n\) represents an RGB color, and \(t_n\) represents its transparency. The result of the multiplication would be another RGB color, and each component would have been multiplied by the transparency.

Since the transparencies must add up to 1, this formula is valid for more than two colors:

\[ f(C_1, t_1, \dots, C_n, t_n) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} C_i \times t_i \]

1.2. Calculating relative transparencies

Now let’s imagine that the transparencies don’t add up to 1. Instead, each transparency indicates the opacity of that color relative to the previous one.

For example, if we want to “overlap” a color \(C_2\) with transparency 0.7 on top of an opaque color \(C_1\) (with transparency 1), then each component of the final color should have 30% of \(C_1\) and 70% of \(C_2\). The formula for this calculation would be the following:

\[ f(C_1, C_2, t_2) = C_1 \times (1 - t_2) + C_2 \times t_2 \]

This always assumes that the first color is opaque, since a color with transparency smaller than one has to be applied “on top” of another color, even if it’s an opaque black or white background.

This can be used for more than two colors, but note that this formula is not associative, meaning the order of the colors or “layers” matters. I am honestly not sure how to represent this formula for \(n\) inputs using mathematical notation, but feel free to contribute to this page.

2. Scheme implementation

The following Scheme functions can be used to calculate both absolute and relative transparencies according to my previous definitions.

2.1. Color arithmetic functions

First, some auxiliary functions for adding and scaling RGB colors.

(define (rgb-add a b)
  (if (null? b)
      (list (+ (car   a) (car   b))
            (+ (cadr  a) (cadr  b))
            (+ (caddr a) (caddr b)))))

(define (rgb-scale rgb scale)
  (list (* scale (car   rgb))
        (* scale (cadr  rgb))
        (* scale (caddr rgb))))

For some other RGB functions, see my color conversion and color palettes folders inside my scratch repo.

2.2. Absolute transparencies

The following function takes a list of colors and their respective relative transparencies and returns a solid RGB color. Again, the sum of all transparencies is assumed to be 1.

(define (transparencies-absolute colors transparencies)
  (if (or (null? colors)
          (null? transparencies))
      (rgb-add (rgb-scale (car colors) (car transparencies))
               (transparencies-absolute (cdr colors) (cdr transparencies)))))

The following example uses the previous function with 3 transparent colors.

;; (196 170 99)
(transparencies-absolute '((255 110 66) (232 218 178) (75 238 104))
                         '(0.5 0.2 0.3))

2.3. Relative transparencies

The following function takes a list of colors and their respective transparencies, but assumes they are relative. The first transparency is ignored, and is assumed to be one.

(define (transparencies-relative colors transparencies)
  (define (apply-transparency c1 c2 t2)
    (rgb-add (rgb-scale c1 (- 1 t2))
             (rgb-scale c2 t2)))

  (define (transparencies-relative-reversed colors transparencies)
    (if (null? (cdr colors))
        (car colors)
        (let ((cur-transparency (car transparencies)))
          (rgb-add (rgb-scale (car colors)
                   (rgb-scale (transparencies-relative-reversed (cdr colors) (cdr transparencies))
                              (- 1 cur-transparency))))))

  (transparencies-relative-reversed (reverse colors)
                                    (reverse transparencies)))

Since the formula is not associative, we can’t just use tail recursion on the original inputs. The built-in reverse function is used on both colors and transparencies lists, and an internal transparencies-relative-reversed function is called. This internal function is able to call itself recursively with the rest of the input, effectively iterating from the end to the start of the lists.

This is an example on how to use the previous function. Note how the sum of the transparencies no longer has to be 1.

;; (161 190 101)
(transparencies-relative '((255 110 66) (232 218 178) (75 238 104))
                         '(1 0.3 0.5))